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Neuter Ride

The means of tricking a dog to willingly come along to a vet appointment, usually (but not always) for the sake of neutering/spaying said dog. If said fast enough, it sounds like "Need a ride?"

Hey Kai, Neuter Ride?

by Alucard54s August 7, 2014


The most evil, yet most entertaining thing to do to someone taking a shower; Simply walk in, rip ass and walk out. The humidity will amplify the stench, to the point that even a potential squeaky-no-scent will evolve into a weapon of biological warfare. Bonus points if you are able to trap them in the room with the exhaust fan turned off.

Broseph Primus: Hey, Secundus, who is taking a shower right now?
Broseph Secundus: I think it's Tetria.
Broseph Primus: Perfect. Loose the belt, it's time to make his nostril hairs explode. Let's showerbomb him and blame it on Dad!

by Alucard54s May 19, 2016

1👍 1👎

Limey Virus

A strange phenomenon in which after prolonged exposure to a accented voice (especially British accents), you begin to slightly mimic the accent semi-consciously.

After watching all those Animal Planet documentaries, I began suffering from a the Limey Virus

by Alucard54s January 31, 2010

5👍 2👎