The birth place of Western Civilization.
Located about 50 miles from the Mediterranean Sea in the center of the Italian peninsula on its west coast is where Ancient Rome began as a small village. It grew to a larger Kingdom quickly and then into the Roman Republic and then the Roman Empire.
Ancient Rome began possible as early as the 10Th century with the founding of the city by the legendary twin brothers Romulus and Remus.
The Ancient Roman Empire was split in two in the 3rd century by the Emperor Diocletian. This created a western and eastern empire which was ruled from the city of Rome. The Emperor controlling the Western Empire and the co-emperor controlling the east. Constantine moved the seat of the empire to Constantinople in 330 AD.
The end of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD saw the end of the cities power as Europe fell into the Dark Ages.
The Eastern Roman empire continued from its bas in Constantinople until 29 May 1453
The fall of "Ancient Rome" took a thousand years.
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Perhaps one of the most misunderstood rulers of the ancient world. As polarizing today as perhaps in ancient times.
Julius Caesar began his early life by fleeing the City of Rome when then Dictator Sulla asked for his death. A compromise was made and Caesar was allowed to return.
His campaigns as a Roman General are some of the greatest triumphs in Military History.
From His conquering of Gaul (modern day France)and Britain to his Consulship along side his rival Pompey Magnus, Caesar was well known and popular with the people of the Republic.
When he was assassinated by the Senate, history was repeating itself as the Roman Senate had already accomplished the same with several other rulers. This in itself may have been the reason the Republic fell and the Roman Empire began.
Julius Caesar was popular among the Roman Plebeians.
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The word "forum" is derived from the Latin word "Fora". A large public meeting place. Similar in origin and function to other words used today when describing public speaking. "Community" and "Committee" originate from the Latin terms "Comitium" and "Comeo" and today's podium is referred to as a "Rostrum" from the original stone tribunal called the "Rostra". The people of ancient Rome would meet in the "Comitium" to listen to orators speak from the "Rostra". When the city grew larger the Roman Forum" was built to accommodate larger crowds.
Gaius Gracchus, a tibune of Rome is famous for turning his back on the Senate in the "Comitium" while speaking from the "Rostra" to face the common people gathered in the forum on the other side. From that point all orators spoke with their back to the Senate House.
Today the term "Forum" is defined as an online Internet message board section or "forum" where people leave posts with their opinion and comments. Each "forum" is separated into specific interests like, politics, news, pics etc.
"The modern forum for people to meet is on Internet Message Boards."
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