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1. Identifying as both Bisexual and Pansexual.
2. Also feeling connected to the bisexual community, because there is more support.
3. Going back and forth from identifying as Bisexual and Pansexual.

4. This is especially common in the late Gen Y and early Gen Z, coming out as bisexual first, then finding out about Pansexual, but still feeling a strong support group from the bisexual community, and having more bisexual representation on TV.

PS. This definition was created by an Online High School Girl who’s Hella Queer, love kpop, dance, and has a weird pet Betta fish. - Amaya

“She’s both bisexual and Pansexual, she’s pisexual”
“My personal definition of bisexual is having romantic or sexual attraction to all genders, so I technically identify as both bisexual and Pansexual”

by Amaya Akira July 8, 2018

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