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adv. Being high as shit, attainable through the prolonged use of marijuana. Refer to the eyes for further verification of the act of being grt.

Dale you are so fucking grt, kid.
Dale, did you get grt as shit today?
Wait, wait, look at me. Yeah, you're grt as shit.

by Amber Michelle Lewis May 17, 2007

22👍 14👎


noun. A whamber is a skeeza (usually named Amber, for effect) who whines continuously, for no real fuckin reason. When you ask her to stop whining, she does it more, big fuckin surprise.

Also refer to "whambulance".

Official title: Queen of Goobers.

Yeah, that's not Amber today, she's bitching(and/or whining), it's Whamber.

Where's my fucking whamber-ass, bitchin girlfriend? Ho.

by Amber Michelle Lewis May 17, 2007

6👍 3👎