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How the welsh say screwing.

Glen: "hey davvid."
Davvid: "My polar bear got lymphoma."
Glen: "Screwellin."

by AmeliaPerfection May 9, 2011

8👍 1👎


Also predrugs, predrugging etc.
The act of taking drugs before going out to avoid having to do it in a club, usually to avoid getting kicked out.

"You seem pretty gone already, mate, and we only just got here?"
"I had predrugs over at Harry's."

by AmeliaPerfection June 25, 2015


Verb. The act of walking around in a powerful manner that gives the impression you are superior to all those around you.

Walking with purpose and dignity, in a way that makes everybody stop what they're doing and pay attention to you. Moving in such a way as to make everyone pause and watch you go past.
May also be said B'Lowin' (bee-lowin)

I think we just got brownlowed.

by AmeliaPerfection March 23, 2011

9👍 2👎


How Lancelot of the round table declares he is too fucked up (from drugs or alcohol) to joust.

"Where were you last night?"
"We started early. Fuckaroo."

by AmeliaPerfection June 16, 2015

2👍 2👎


Inarguably drunk and/or high.

"You alright, mate?"
"Not really. I'm vowtered."

by AmeliaPerfection June 16, 2015


So off your face your limbs have the limpness of a beanbagged.

"Hey, John?"
"Mate, it's not worth trying; he's beanbagged."

by AmeliaPerfection June 16, 2015