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Someone from the U.S, enjoying freedom in a safe country, but still experiencing the fears that are rational in the U.S but are irrational in the country they are in.


- Fearing the cost of the ambulance somebody called for you, instead of worrying about your injury.

- Thinking the sound of fireworks could be gunfire

"When entering the movie theatre, Tanner automatically looked for the fire escape and sat next to it, despite the bad viewing angle, but then realised he was just being an afearican and moved to a better seat"

by America is the bad place November 1, 2021

131πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


Entertainment programs disguised as news to convince old people and their lead addled brains to vote against the interests of younger generations.

I set the parental controls on the TV so grandpa wouldn't be able to watch his boomertainment channels

by America is the bad place November 21, 2023

Par-Trump-cipation Trophy

When you finish second but are given first prize anyway. Inspired by Donald Trump receiving 2.1% fewer votes than Hillary Clinton but being given the presidency as a participation trophy.

Christopher Columbus is often accredited as the first European to step foot in the Americas. However, this is just a Par-Trump-cipation Trophy as the Viking, Leif Erikson, established a settlement at LҀ™Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland some 500 years before Columbus left Europe

by America is the bad place October 17, 2021

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America is the Bad Place

A phrase referencing the TV show 'The Good Place' and used when life in the United States isn't living up to the standards its people should expect.

SPOILER The final episode of season one of The Good Place can be used as a metaphor for how those in the United States are often brought up being frequently told that they are in the greatest country in the world, but are then disappointed every time they discover something new that the U.S doesn't statistically do well in.


- No other wealthy nation lets its people die of treatable illnesses, simply because they can't afford treatment.
- The majority of other countries mandate employers to provide 20-40 paid days off a year.
- Very few countries force students into crippling debt.
- All but three countries have paid maternity leave.

"You know Jill next door, who got married to her boyfriend, Chad, five months after they met, just so he could get on to her medical insurance?

Well, they both got new jobs but now Chad's got cancer and his insurance won't cover enough of the costs, so they've had to get divorced to avoid Jill being bankrupted by his medical debt. America is the Bad Place"

by America is the bad place October 27, 2021

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Starship Trooman Show

People in other countries watching the United States like it's a reality show and perceiving it to be like the movie 'Starship Troopers'

"The Starship Trooman Show has been crazy recently. Military recruiters have been hanging out in high school cafeterias and convincing children, behind their parents' back, to enlist so that they can qualify for the healthcare & affordable education benefits that every person in almost every other wealthy nation receives automatically."

by America is the bad place October 17, 2021

69πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Dontrol Group

Donald Trump supporters inadvertently becoming the U.S control group for the covid vaccines, due to their propensity to refuse to get vaccinated.

The Dontrol Group's high death rates helped the world to see the effectiveness of the covid vaccines

by America is the bad place October 17, 2021

156πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Covid tourist

An unvaccinated person, who has to travel to another state for medical treatment because their local hospitals are overrun with other unvaccinated people.

After being airlifted from Florida to Connecticut as a covid tourist, Chad's death was added to Connecticut's death total. Ron DeSantis likes this.

by America is the bad place November 23, 2021

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