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A citizen of the United States.

Use of the word is often a point of contention for Europeans, South Americans, and other Pussies in general.

Americans are stereotyped as fat, lazy, or Imperialist.
"Fat" due to getting off their ass and Work for a living, instead of relying on government to shit them a meal from the minute conditions are 100% ideal.

"Lazy" due to the fact the United States is the most productive nation on the Entire damned planet Per Capita AND GDP, and the average U.S. worker pulls more hours than any Fucking lazyass country in Europe. (Look it the fuck up.)
I suppose that debunks that load of retarded european horse shit entirely.

Americans are referred to as "imperialists" because in 200 years they accomplished more than europe put together.

They are called imperialists for their tradition of warring with democracies. Wait... we've never Gone to war with a democracy? Well I'll be damned. Guess that seperates us from alot of other countries then.

While Europeans are busy with a fantasy of having the next Hitler or Stalin's cock up in their asshole, Americans ruin their dream by bombing their boyfriend straight to hell before they can become a threat to world peace. Like it should be.

"Americans" arrived from the fact that 2 entire continents-worth of other countries either do not really fucking matter, or is ruled by a form of dictatorship and live as pathetic cringing slave pussies.

Much like West and Eastern europe, really.

European: I Hate Amerikkka!
European really thinking: American, why don't you guys just let us get conquered already. I Like being a bitch, dammit.

by American Exeptionalism March 4, 2010

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