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It is American football minus everything that soccer fans say sucks about American football. It is also soccer minus everything that American football fans say sucks about soccer. It is a compromise that happens to be better than the alternatives. Rugby keeps it's violence on the field unlike soccer and it doesn't apologize for it like the NFL. Further more, it's culture is all inclusive. Ruggers don't care if you are black, white, tall, short, gay, straight, fat, skinny, or even if you just suck at rugby. If you can take the beating you are welcome to play. There are lots of rules but the only one that matters is if you get ejected for fighting you owe the guy you fought a beer.

No one cares that you suck at rugby. We'll sub you in for the last ten minutes and if you don't need to go to the hospital you can get drunk with us after the game.

by American Rugby September 24, 2013

285👍 46👎


Noun. A sport played world wide with limited popularity in America due to contact rules (and coaching staffs) which encourage players to act like sissies despite not actually being sissies. This annoys Americans because if Americans want to watch grown men fake injuries, they watch professional wrestling.

The number of injury timeouts in this soccer match rivals American football for commercial breaks. I should have tuned in to Rugby.

by American Rugby July 10, 2011

907👍 512👎