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Airport High School

Airport High School is located in West Columbia South Carolina. It’s notorious for having more principals in its lifetime than students. It’s also known for being a school where more teachers and staff members have affairs with students than teachers in healthy relationships. Good luck finding a vending machine in the entire school that doesn’t just take your money. The school is home to many trailer park yee yees. These are the kids who wear the offbrand camo jackets that smell like old cigarettes. If you want to fit in in this school, just take any piece of clothing you have and shlapp a vineyard vine logo on it. Not to mention the row of squatted shitboxes that are always outside (none with a parking pass). Make sure you bring your juul everyday so you can fit in with all the other fiending crackheads on campus. The only thing worse than their athletic program is the education itself. It’s said that every morning you walk in, if you look down the 400 hall there is always at least 3 dead roaches. Let’s not even get started about the “Pit” kids. Those are the kids who walk around with their Walmart speakers blaring lil peep and wearing dog collars. They can always be found at lunch near the building where the fire occurred. It’s once said that the school is haunted by George I. Pair, but I think that’s just the lost souls of the students who continue to go there day after day to deal with the same shit. Welcome to Aiport High School.

Airport High School is complete and utter trash.

by American fawces December 31, 2019

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