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demographic parasite

demographic parasite (noun) dem· o· graph· ic par· a· site | \ˌde-mə-ˈgra-fik , ˌdē-mə- ˈper-ə-ˌsīt , ˈpa-rə- \

: A person, social group, community, nation, or broad grouping of people having common traditions, institutions, and collective activities and interests that resembles a biological parasite in living off of, being dependent on, or exploiting another social group while giving little or nothing in relation to the dynamic balance of a population especially with regard to density

A community which maintains its level of population without breeding from its inherent genetic stock is a demographic parasite which requires replenishment from other communities to do so.

by American nomad news on YouTube January 24, 2021


AS•TRO•PON•ICS |\, a-stre-'°a°-niks
(e should be backwards & the e in pa should have 2 dots on top instead of the two dots I used two degree symbols.)

: specialty life support systems for the production of plant and animal products in microgravity, lunar, or Martian environments.

Lynn and Betty were working in the astroponics bay right after landing on Mars.

by American nomad news on YouTube January 5, 2021