A Mike is an amazing being! He has a heart of gold and whilst he says he is not romantic, a Mike is really one of the most thoughtful, kind and romantic people youâll ever meet. He manages your crazy and makes you feel special and loved every day. He will make you laugh more than anyone and is very silly. His sense of humour is only let down by his love of Tim Vine. He can seem quiet and shy to others sometimes but around those he loves he is the centre of their world and his awesomeness shines brightly. I love every minute I spend with Mike and only wish I had had a Mike to share my life with sooner. He will make you the happiest you have ever been and bring love, laughter, sexiness, adventure, warmth, brilliance, some interesting smells and an awful lot of gravy to your life. I am excited to see what the future has in store with a Mike at my side and hope he will always be there!
Me: I love you, I love you, I love you!!!
Mike: Spaz
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