Source Code


what comes up when you spell "temu" wrong which is an app where you can get cheap things with fast and free shpping and sometimes free stuff the only bad thing is that its chinese so all the stuff is crap and breaks easy

hey do can you use my temi code

you mean temu?

yes you tonkey

by Amogus😳 December 20, 2023


a fan or heater brand

i like lasko fans

by Amogus😳 December 20, 2023

Popcorn Taki Ball

a Popcorn Taki Ball is a popcorn ball with a taki sticking in it halfway, it is meant to be ate by holding the taki and eating the popcorn ball then after you finish the ball, eat the Taki

do you have a popcorn taki ball?

yeah its good

by Amogus😳 December 20, 2023


a drink that taste good lol

do you like tea


by Amogus😳 December 20, 2023

Hot pepper Serrano

The worst phone ever that is $15 at Walmart

Hey you have the hot pepper Serrano

Yeah I smashed it with a 10 pound hammer because it’s junk

Alcatel 1b better

by Amogus😳 August 25, 2022


when a samsung user has a kink for jerking off to samsung trailers.

are you a samsa?

oh yeah i am


by Amogus😳 December 20, 2023


a food that was banned in a few states, its also the same food as "prison slop" or "oatmeal"

hey do you like grobble

no its nasty

by Amogus😳 January 11, 2024