When a human is feeling extra self-deprecating while writing something important, they may decide to remove all chances of them finishing their important paper by skydiving into Urban dictionary after typing the sacred phrase "q ÌÌÍÌ Ì̦Í̳Í̬̬w ÌÌ ÌÍÍÌ¿ÍÍ ÌÌÌÍÌÌ̳ÌÌ»ÌÌÌ£Ì Ì¦Ì£Ìe ÍÌÍÌÌÌ ÍÍÌÌÍÍ ÍÌÌ¥ÌÌ¢Ìr ÍÌÌÌÍÍ̧Ì̧t ÍÌÌĮ̦̀Ì̲ÌÍy ÌÍÌÌÌ¢Ì̹̦Ì̲Ì̳̥̦̩u̶ÌÍÌÌÌÌÍÌi ÌÍÌÌÍÌÌÌÍÍÍÌÍÍÌÌ̥̳o ÌÌÍÌÍ̢̻̫ÌĮ̀ÍÌ¥Í̼̰pÌ´ÌÍÌÍÍÌÌÍÍÌÌÌÌ°ÌÌ¡ÍÌa ÌÌÌ̾ÍÍÌ ÌÌÌÌÍÍÍ̹̫̤ÍÌÌÍs ̾ÌÌÌÍÌ ÍÍÌÍÍÌÌÌ Ì°ÌÌ¹Í Į̥́d̶ÌÌÍÌ©Ì Ì̪ÍÌ¢ÌÍ ÌÌ«f Ì Ì¼Ì§Ì̢̹̰g ̽ÌÌÍÍÌÌÌÌÌÍÍÍÍÌ®Íh̵ÌÍÌÍÌÍÍÍÍÌÍÌ̳Ì̱̯̫̺̣̳̦Í̳Íj ÍÍÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÍÍÍÍÍÌ̡̺̺ÍÌk ̽̽ÍÌ®Ì̪ÌÌ®Ìl ÍÌÌÌÌÌÍÍÍÌ¿ÌÌÌ̯Í̡̲zÌ´ÌÌÍ Í̾ÍÌÍÍÌ©ÍÍ̳Ì̡̯̱ÌÌ Ì±Ì³Ì¬ÍÌ¢xÌµÌ ÌÌÍÌÌÌÍÌÍÌÍÍÌḬ̢̀ÌÍ̲Ì̤̬ÌÍÌ¢ÌÍcÌ´ÍÌÌÍÍÌÌ«Í Ì°ÌÍv ÍÌÍÌÌ̥̱Í̡̲ÌÌÌ«bÌ´ÌÍÌÍÌÌÌÌÌÌ̽ÌÍÌ¥ÍÌ̺̮Ì̬̻ÌÌÌ°n ÌÌÍÌÌÌÌ̮̱ÍmÌ´ÌÍÌÌÍÍÌÍÌÌ" and opening the gates of ð ·ð ´ð ²ð º.
Stanley was feeling bored pushing buttons at his desk, so he decided to screw himself over by typing the sacred phrase, qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
3👍 1👎