Source Code

Internet Explorer

A browser which people who don't know better, or are too stubborn to realise that the Internet Explorer rendering engine 'Trident' renders +80% of sites incorrectly due to very poor standards compliance, and are scared to admit defeat, or believe Microsoft is actually good at producing closed source applications, which no-one can see the source to.

Comes as part of Microsoft's flagship opersting system Windows and by default is extremely unsecure, and will allow any unsusuecting user to download dialers and many other system integrity threatening applications.

IE is the reason why I can charge companies more for developing websites so they work with IE as well as with FireFox, Opera, Mozilla, Konqueror and even the text based 'lynx' browser.

During benchmark testing, Internet Explorer takes longer to start on an AMD processor running at 1400Mhz, than popular open-source alternative FireFox, which has been optimized for use on systems running an AMD processor.

"I'm sorry, but Internet Explorer support will cost at least 50 pound extra, since I have to format all my code specially for it."

"Internet Explorer is bad because it uses a lot of proprietary HTML tags that only work in Internet Explorer in an attempt to make sites developed for Internet Explorer, not work with any other browser."

"Damn Internet Explorer and it's damned WMF exploit!"

"Internet Explorer is closed source, and developers cannot audit the code themselves to check for 'features' Microsoft have put in so they can gain users personal information. The 'WMF Exploit' was one of these 'features' that Microsoft put in to allow someone to execute code remotely on a victims PC."

"People who use Internet Explorer are most commonly people who don't know better"

"While all security issues found with FireFox have been fixed by any member or developer of the open-source community, Internet Explorer users must wait for a vulnerability to be classed as 'Critical' before Microsoft will actually do anything about it."

by An experienced developer June 29, 2006

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