When a man performs a bowel movement into a plastic sandwich baggy, then inserts his penis into the bag and thrusts madly as if he were shaking a bottle of ketchup.
What the fuck!?! ahh, Phizikz stop being a shittyfucker!
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In Tolkien's book The Silmarillion, Hurin was the head of the house of Hador at the time of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. He was transported to Gondolin by the eagles along with Huor, but was allowed to return to his people. His forces fought alongside the elves, and a valiant rearguard action by them along the river Sirion cost Morgoth's forces dear and enabled Turgon's army to escape back to Gondolin. Sadly, Hurin was captured by Morgoth, whereupon he was transported back to Angband and chained to a chair to watch the tragedy which would befall his loved ones, who were cursed. Morgoth also worked foul sorcery upon him to distort his will and perceptions.
He saw the tragic events which afflicted his children Turin and Nienor, and, when finally freed by Morgoth, went forth to confirm the truth of what he saw. He met his wife Morwen one last time and learnt from her what had befallen; after which he fell into a state of madness in which he returned to the gates of Gondolin and cried out, revealing its location to Morgoth. He then went to Nargothrond, slew Mim the petty dwarf and retrieved the Nauglamir, which for some Morgoth-encursed reason he gave to Elwe, triggering the events which led to the fall of Doriath.
Pronounced HOO-rin. It should have a rightward-slanting dash over the "U", but I don't think you can put those on Urban Dictionary.
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Twat tartan for twats. Items of clothing such as caps that chavs must wear at a forty degree angle to their heads. Can be reffered to as "chavberry".
"Don't touch my burberry peak fucker, otherwise i will throw bottle-caps at you"
"I am hard because i am wearing a fake pair of burberry socks"
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Meat weapon found in the land of the big purple dribbling heads!!!
do u want to fight with my spam dagger?
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Pikey food is Shish kebab whereas a Chavvy will sick with Donner kebab which makes more mess on pavement.
Always preceeded by the word "large" and followed by "wiv chilly salse". Often pikey will work the calaries off in anticipation by fighting someone while it cooks.
"Large Shish wiv chilly salse".
"Who the f**k you looking at pal?"
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n. phrase overly used by teenagers, which is a great way to fill in sentences. is usually very funny, but can be offensive.
hey sarah, did you finish doing your homework? no andy, but i did finish doing your mom!
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