Source Code


VERY powerful demon in the Warhammer world (and Warhammer 40K). The strongest single entity in Warhammer, at least until certain recent additions to the universe. It's a tall humanoid monster with a doglike head covered with armour.

As one of the demons of Khorne, a Bloodthirster is dedicated to blood and violence, and has colours of red, black and bone.

by AnDY August 2, 2004

27πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A major character in Tolkien's book The Silmarillion, Glaurung was the first and one of the greatest of the Uruloki. Although without wings, he could breathe fire and cause hypnosis and was a formidable adversary. He played a crucial role in Nirnaeth Arnoediad in routing the elven armies, and later led orkish forces in attacks in Beleriand.

As the forces of Nargothrond, inspired by Turin, became increasingly assertive, Glaurung launched an attack on the previously hidden city, using a bridge built to enable the city's elves to go to war. He routed and burned the city, slaying many of its defenders, including Gwindor.

He hypnotised Turin, sending him on a wild goose chase to Mithrim, and later Nienor, who developed complete amnesia as a result (hence her marriage to her brother Turin).

Slain by Turin as he came forth against a host from Brethil. Turin attacked his vulnerable underside, mortally wounding the dragon.

He's usually depicted in pictures as a huge green worm-like dragon.

by AnDY May 12, 2004

shiz niter

A synonym for shit
its less harsh, but the word shit should still be used.

Dude: "that chick is off the shiz niter"

by AnDY February 13, 2005

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


1) Noldorin Elf, brother of Finrod, who was next in line to the throne of Nargothrond when Finrod was slain by Sauron. The weak-willed Orophin was usurped by Celegorm and Curufin, but took power with the aid of Beren after his return. He established Nargothrond as an unassailable hidden realm, but succumbed to pressure form Turin to adopt a more aggressive approach, and was slain in the sacking of Nargothrond.

2) Elf, brother of Haldir and Rumil, one of the three who encountered the Fellowship of the Ring on the borders of Lorien. He couldn't speak Westron.

Both are Tolkien characters.

by AnDY July 23, 2004

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CIA manual written in the 1980s and available on the web because it was released under official secrets laws pre-911.

It's revealing because many of the torture tactics now publicised by Iraq abuse photos and Guantanamo survivors' revelations were advocated in the section on "coercive interrogations". In other words, fuck this shit about bad eggs - this was US fucking policy even before 911.

c.f. stress and duress.

by AnDY May 15, 2004

8πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

blast of baking powder

When you're biting into a waffle or other baked good whose batter has not been mixed well, and you receive a "blast" of uncooked dry ingredients - including the baking powder used to make it rise.

"Wow, Nora, I just got a blast of baking powder on that bite."

by AnDY February 11, 2005

16πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Elf of Nargothrond, a minor character in Tolkien's book The Silmarillion. He rode forth against Morgoth in the Dagor Bragollach but fell and was captured. He was then paraded in front of the elves at the Nirnaeth Arnoediad by orcs, and was slain. This served the intended purpose of provoking the elves, led by his brother Gwindor, to attack prematurely, beginning the disaster which was this battle.

Morgoth often enslaved elves and apparently set them to work in Angband, although some, including Gwindor, later escaped.

by AnDY May 12, 2004

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