Source Code

game boy advance

A really gay boy. A slang term for a gay boy or game boy who acts really gay.

That gay boy advance won't stop listening to Britney Spears and looking at guys.

by AnDY March 21, 2005

11πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž

The chosen one

A title of Jesus Christ, indicating his status as Messiah.

I am the witness that he is the Chosen One of God.
John the Baptist

by AnDY January 16, 2005

32πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


1) A great wolfhound in Tolkien's book The Silmarillion. Loyal to Caranthir, he followed the elf-lord into exile and the doom of the Noldor fell upon him - although immortal, he could now be slain, and fate said he would be killed by the greatest wolf ever to live. After Caranthir's attempt to abduct Luthien, Huan joins Luthien and allows her to ride him to Tol Sirion, where he slays Draugluin and helps rescue Beren. He later aids Beren and Luthien several times, but departs before their attempt to enter Angband. When the enraged Carcharoth descends on Beleriand, Huan joins the party sent against him, and the two meet in combat and slay each other.

Another peculiar part of his curse is that he may speak, but only three times.

2) A doctor in Suikoden II, who is one of the 108 stars and who is already part of Viktor's army and does not need to be recruited.

The first is pronounced "HOO-an", the second presumably is "hwon".

by AnDY May 12, 2004

28πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


The number which has replaced "one" in the slang used by telephone service operators and telephone dialup service machines.

If you want to review an existing account, press wan or say wan after the tone.

by AnDY May 28, 2004

3πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Subjective destitution; an experience of oneself as excremental (a piece of shit) and worthless, and of being eclipsed by the objet petit a. An experience of the breakdown of one's sense of one's own value when overshadowed by the external locus of one's desires.

It is a concept in Lacanian psychoanalysis which is also sometimes used in cultural studies. It is a crucial component of Zizek's concept of the Act.

Victims of terrorist kidnappings may undergo aphanisis and end up identifying with their captors (the so-called "Helsinki Syndrome").

by AnDY May 7, 2004

11πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Outer Mongolia

If an event is said to occur in Outer Mongolia, it quite often means it happens somewhere obscure and hard to find.

If a person is "sent to Outer Mongolia", it means they are effectively relieved of all real power and influence and given a symbolically important but practically meaningless post.

The term refers to the state of Mongolia (in east Asia), a sparsely populated and geopolitically insignificant country inbetween China and Russia. It had a revolution in the early 1920s and effectively became a Soviet satellite state, while never actually being incorporated into the USSR (a model of the later policy in eastern Europe). Although officially designated "Mongolia", it is sometimes called Outer Mongolia because a region known as Inner Mongolia is part of the state of China.

The term gained its present uses because the Soviet foreign minister Molotov, after being relieved of his duties, was appointed as ambassador to Mongolia. This was a pointless role because, being a puppet state and politically insignificant, there were no problematic issues for a diplomat in Mongolia to take care of. In effect, Molotov was sacked but without losing his status or perks; he was simply taken away from the centre of power. This happened in the early years of the Khrushchev regime, soon after the death of Stalin, because Molotov and several others had lost out in bids to become General Secretary (i.e. top dog). Rather than have his rivals shot once they were defeated, Khrushchev adopted the policy of shunting them off into useless and powerless but well-paid posts (another rival, Malenkov, was made head of a factory in Siberia).

(By the way, yes Molotov did invent the "cocktail" which bears his name - he was responsible for mass-producing them in lemonade factories during World War II).

Clare Short was sent to Outer Mongolia in the Cabinet reshuffle, being sent to the Department for Overseas Aid.

I can't believe they put this lecture in Outer Mongolia (i.e. on the far side of the campus from the usual venue).

by AnDY April 21, 2004

37πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


It has came from the word nice, but pronounced nooice

"did u see that tv program, it was Noice!!!"

by AnDY August 29, 2004

10πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž