Source Code


Sissy-boy... An emasculated man. Not nessessarily gay.

¿Porqué estás jugando con muñeca? ¡Eres maricón!

by AnDrEw March 16, 2005

130👍 106👎


Best hockey team Canada has right now.

Damn the Canucks kick ass

by AnDrEw October 10, 2003

919👍 563👎


In the nude or without cloths

He's in the buff

by AnDrEw July 2, 2003

222👍 177👎

Ass Potatoes

Poop comprised of well-formed pieces, usually 1-3 in number, that are excreted quickly and with very little effort, and which generally require very little toilet paper usage afterwards. Ass Potatoes are similar in texture to Ass Nuggets, which are usually smaller and greater in number, and the antithesis of Ass Bread.

I just took a dump, and since I'm in a hurry, I was pleased when it turned out to be two quick ass potatoes instead of a bunch of ass bread.

by AnDrEw June 16, 2006

55👍 14👎


a fart that stinks ass underwater.

my dag laid an aquafat while i was skiny diping with my mom.
john had bad gas and hes aquafarting.

by AnDrEw February 29, 2004

6👍 13👎

graphically hot

Very very hot. Extremely hot. At least a ten on the Masterman/Baby J Scale.

Masterman: Baby J, check out that chick. She's graphically hot.

Baby J: Masterman, that graphically hot girl is staring at you, but completely ignoring me.

by AnDrEw May 2, 2004

3👍 2👎


Big Monkey Woman

Get me away from that BMW

by AnDrEw June 8, 2003

11👍 228👎