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a white trash american word for for "you all", the best way to sound like white trash is to say yall

yall know that my trailer park is the best

by AnDrEw June 23, 2004

60πŸ‘ 194πŸ‘Ž


Much like word It expresses agreement or acceptence.

Oh man, I cant think of the Zerd.
You down man? Zerd

by AnDrEw December 29, 2004

10πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Another way to post the word "fucking" in monitored groups. Made up by some girl from West Bend, WI called Andrea.

I think it's effen hilarious.

by AnDrEw April 10, 2005

8πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

bass clarinet

100 million times better than the clarinet. Looks like a saxaphone, but better. A heavy instrument that requires harness or neckstrap. reletive of the clarinet.

boy 1: i play the bass clarinet
boy 2:i play the clarinet
boy 1:your'e gay

by AnDrEw August 10, 2004

265πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž


A car that is really meant to just get people from point A to B. Yet, there are some people out there that see a "hidden" performance package. Regardless if it's a type R or type SIR, it's still a torqueless car. Some people actually spend 5 thousand on a old pos civic, then spend another 10-20 grand on the car to make it look "cool" and "fast" when in reality, they could have just spent that money on a real car, saved the money and moved out from living in their parents basement.

Bill: Daym check out Eric in his civic, he spent 5gs on that turbo alone and another 7 on that type R engine!
Bob: Really, where does he live?
Bill: With his parents but still he got a dope ass car..
Bob:Actually my Evolution 8 could whip his ass *cell rings* Oh daym my girl's at my house naked gotta go!

by AnDrEw May 7, 2004

11πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


1. Sensationalism for the gratification of a gawking public; gratuitous saturation. Glitterporn is the media equivalent of driving past an accident and being unable to look away.

2. Media coverage of celebrities down to the last mundane detail of their lives.

Examples include media coverage of celebrities ala Tabloid TV, the Scott Peterson murder trial, and the Washingtonienne sex scandal.

As I watch Entertainment Tonight's coverage of Britany Spears's recent knee injury, I asked myself, "Why do I watch this glitterporn when I could be living my own life?"

by AnDrEw June 10, 2004

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


To Gare is to molest young boys and girls in a pedastry way.

Mike "Gared" that little boy till he bled.

by AnDrEw September 20, 2004

66πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž