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The drug that once you do, will probably result in everyone abandoning you, everyone you've ever known hating you, you most likely taking it up the ass repeatedly for it, and that's before commiting an hero.

If you're craving it, it's a sign you seriously screwed up in life and should seek help. Seriously.

Seriously stop reading this and go to rehab, or get on methadone. Just do it. You'll thank me later. You're loved ones will thank you. Your mother will thank you. Your father will thank you. People you probably never known well will just be grateful that you're still alive.

I'll let you jizz on my face for a bag of heroin

by AnEdgelord January 9, 2020

81👍 12👎


A group of the toughest people I have ever met in my entire life. Texans have nothing on these people. They cook great food, friendly for the most part, unless you piss them off. Typically found in Louisiana.

That Cajun makes some mean ass gumbo.

by AnEdgelord October 16, 2017

9👍 6👎


The first step on the road to disappointment.

I sure hope that asteroid doesn't hit us.

by AnEdgelord August 31, 2017

2👍 6👎