Source Code

Chaka Chaka

a funny slang word for sex

"Amy and Miguel did chaka chaka all night long."

"Did you guys chaka chaka yet?"

"I am doing chaka chaka with your boyfriend right now, please call me back in 4 hours."

by AnOn April 26, 2004

189πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž

Bear Cub Den

A house of gay men that is owned by 1 old rich gay man, who lets the rest of the gay men (his "bear cubs") live there for no/little rent in exchange for the experience of living around young men.

Ryan lives in a bear cub den with 5 other bear cubs. James is the Den Leader.

by AnOn November 11, 2009

15πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


People who are also known as Moshers, Grungers or Soap Dodgers. Prefered taste in music is anything with an electric guitar and a person who can't sing. These people tend to dress in baggy jeans (the scruffier the better), 'Vans' shoes and hooded jumpers with their favourite band's logos displayed on them. These people deliberately make themselves look dirty and is if they really need to bath, thinking they are making some sort of statement. Most of the time these people look very sorry for themselves and are usually attention seekers; the sort you see being beaten up in the school yard.

Woah, like, Marilyn Manson is totally awesome dude! Where's my skateboard and bong?

by AnOn February 11, 2004

6πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Joy Division

An area of WW2 concentration camps where women and children were forced into sexual slavery.

Take them to the Joy Division.

by AnOn March 4, 2005

292πŸ‘ 131πŸ‘Ž


Man who pays a great amount of attention to his appearance and dress.
Modern term for dandy or fop.

The metrosexual man uses "product" in his hair and shops at Armani Exchange.

by AnOn January 2, 2005

106πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž

Howard Dean

A really uptight bean counter who always looks like he had a bad experience with black people when he has to talk to one.

Did you see the black lady singing gospel to Howard Dean? I thought he was going to get up and run.

by AnOn March 1, 2005

43πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


a japinda is just another word for jap eye, the one eyed milkman etc

aaaagggghhhh i just got me japinda pierced with a ring called a prince albert

by AnOn November 2, 2004

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž