A loud buzzer that hurts people's ears at schools.
I went deaf due to a fire drill at my high school.
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roll on the floor laughing my ass off barbeque
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over the top
excessive, dramatic behavior
way too much
Robert's behavior was extra when he refused to accept Anna's apology.
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1. a complete moron who posts on IMDB. sample of his posts:
"anybody notis that the map on I.N.T.E.L.I.I.G.A.N.C.E. (or whatever) was sentered on the UK and mid africa. if it realy was an american organisation it would be based on america."
2. a name to call someone when they act stupid.
dude, you totally fucked up, you're such a Zipponanaki
A politically correct word for a mobile home built after 1976. Call it what you want, its NOT superior to a regular house and it is still a fucking trailer that once had wheels!
11π 14π
basically a term used to describe an individual who does not do his fair share of work (eg. walking around talking, smoking, whatever else, but avoiding doing any actual work)
a person who "fucks the dog" or is "dog fucking" is
my supervisor at the factor is the biggest dog fucker in the world (he never does any work)
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