An internet forumite far too concerned with posting pictures of himself in an attempt to look cool. Possesses money; likely does not earn it himself.
Wow, another picture of Black-Syth looking constipated.
When you drink so much beer your shit is turns into beer.
I got so shit-faced I took the nastiest beer shit!
36π 248π
term when multiple individuals firmly place their noses up their bosses ass thinking it gives them a better chance of getting a promotion.
1. God, Bill sure has his nose up Bob's ass!
2. Geez, Lydia is pushing Bill out of her way to get her nose up Bob's ass.
12π 12π
male anatomy - the area of the sin between the scrotum and the rectum
10π 9π
Smaller version of Fresno, but equally as hard. However filled with thugs that it is, it still seems to have the mystique of cultured life.
44π 14π
Widely believed to be the longest word, even though it is not. The longest word is posted here many times so there is no sense posting it again.
Here's is the real definition:
the system of belief
of any person
who is opposed to
those who want to destroy
the standable
which someone made
3π 12π