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fan clubs

A chat board on Neopets. Shortened to FC.

Go back to the FC, you m00fin loving pansy!

by AnOnymous May 8, 2005

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Often used with the prefix Old, Auld or Aud.

by AnOnymous October 31, 2003

20πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


1. n. elderly person esp. female, shrivelled in such a way as to suggest that they have been submerged in a bog
2. n. drive-by insult shouted from a moving car at anyone

1. "That shop's owned by a Bogwitch"
2. "Bogwitch!"

by AnOnymous June 9, 2003

12πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Wild West Hero

A really good song by the band, Electric Light Orchestra.

"Out of the Blue" is such a good CD thanks to Wild West Hero.

by AnOnymous December 19, 2003

32πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


1.(n)an extremely large (not necessarily fat) gentleman, usually black but not always
2.(v)to steal something /see wordjack/word

that guys a debo! i hope he dont debo my stuff!

by AnOnymous July 26, 2003

79πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž


another way to say " i see " you can also use "seen" as well, but " skeen" is used by the more gangster people.

so you goin 2 that shrubs 2nite? oh skeen

by AnOnymous July 27, 2003

1463πŸ‘ 598πŸ‘Ž


Another name for a goblin, invented by JRR Tolkien. The word was taken from Anglo-Saxon "orc-nea" meaning monster or demon, which itself comes from Latin "Orcus," a god of the dead.

Orcs are goblin warriors that were created in the First Age of Middle-Earth by Melkor, an evil Valar (read, demon with godlike power), who captured a number of Elves and tortured and maimed them until they became Orcs.

I have a +2 sword of Orc-slaying, and since I'm a ranger with Favored Enemey (goblin-kind), I get another +4 to damage orcs! Sweet!

by AnOnymous September 10, 2003

389πŸ‘ 251πŸ‘Ž