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Axis of Evil

A term created by Bush as an excuse to hate and/or blow the shit out of various countries.

by AnOnymous July 30, 2003

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Axis of Evil

1- a scapegoat for bush to blame things when stuff goes wrong.He thinks he action man or something.

bush: howdy yall, say partnah what happens if i push this red shiny lookin' thingy?
james bond: No! sir dont press it! for the love of god no!!!
bush: whats that? press it? hokely dokelie

*universe explodes*

by AnOnymous August 1, 2003

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Axis of Evil

A coalition consisting of the Bush Administration, Tony Blair, and Tommy Franks.

by AnOnymous July 27, 2003

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axis of evil

The real Axis of Evil consists of three countries that George W. Bush claims cause terrorism in the United states. The countries are Iraq, Iran, and North Korea, however, Bush has forgotten other countries suchas Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, which is where al Qaeda are located.

If Bush is right, then the Axis of Evil will probably start a war with the U.S.A.

by AnOnymous June 30, 2003

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Axis of Evil

Tree huggers who are against war. They generally smell bad, smoke a lot of pot and just drag on our economy
in general. They also hate work. See also wordhippie/word

Man, those damn hippies are in an Axis of Evil all their own.

by AnOnymous July 28, 2003

3πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Axis of Evil

its not about oil you fucking idiots

by AnOnymous July 26, 2003

2πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Axis of Evil

That's the man that tried to kill ma daddy.

by AnOnymous July 25, 2003