Source Code


An often misused word to refer to both Child-Lovers, and Child-Abusers alike.

In its original meaning, it simply meant to be attracted to children (paedo).

However, this term has been blatantly abused, and now blankets both those who like to make the world a better place for kids, and those who only seek their own desires, at the harm of kids.

The former should not be blamed for what the later should be caught and severely punished for.

A: "Paedophiles are Sick Scum and should die"

B: "But then, who would teach the children's classes, help those unruly, and run children's charities?"

A: "Those who HATE children! Like me"

by AnOnymous December 12, 2003

136πŸ‘ 365πŸ‘Ž


a young woman who goes through pms every 3 seconds

by AnOnymous March 20, 2003

100πŸ‘ 189πŸ‘Ž


a hot gay girl

i love that lezbo

by AnOnymous October 13, 2003

155πŸ‘ 114πŸ‘Ž


when a woman gets licked in the shape of a "U" between her legs starting from her clitoris to her vagina to her anus very slowly and repeatedly, up and down, until orgasm (which doesn't take very long).

her eyes widened with excitement when her boyfriend explained what a u-lick was and told her he'd like to do that for her.

by AnOnymous July 1, 2003

54πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Routinely gets 4 shotted by savages.

Person1: Omg I just got Celibriel'd!
Person2: Damn savages!

by AnOnymous August 17, 2003

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


See wordTilde/word.

Person1: ~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~
Person2: ?
Person1: Celibriel.
Person2: Oh!

by AnOnymous September 27, 2003

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


N. A silly person. Not homosexual, but ridiculous in character or endeavor.

Adj. Foppish

1. Kenny Loggins was great when he was with Messina, but now he's such a gaywad.

2. What's with that gaywad beret?

by AnOnymous January 31, 2004

145πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž