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Originators of the style of punk rock music known as flamecore. One of the most popular of the San Diego punk rock bands to come out of the Hillcrest area. Proudly flying the flaming rainbow flag.

Hey Lance, I heard that Hornswaggled is playing tonite at Moby Dick's. We should go have a few Hard Ciders and Zima's at the show.

by AnOnymous July 11, 2003

12πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


What is USC and what does it possess?

1. It is one of the most diverse colleges in the nation, with the most international students in the country.
2. It is continually, steadily rising in academic prestige, with this year's incoming class averaging a 1400 SAT and a 4.0 GPA (higher than any UC).
3. It has some of the best athletes and coaches in the country.
4. It also has some of the most beautiful college students in the nation.
5. It has the best film school in the country.
6. It is one of the best financially endowed universities in the country.
7. It is in Los Angeles, and close to all the clubs, beaches, cities and attractions you could ever wish for.
8. Though it is located in South Central, USC has a tight and respectful bond with the surrounding community.
9. It has some of the most loyal alums in the nation, who NETWORK and help each other out.
10. It has die-hard fans and supporters throughout the nation and the world, because of the previous nine reasons.
11. USC kids aren't any more rich or stuck-up than any other school. The average family income at USC is LOWER than at UCLA. So you are more likely to find stuck-up Beverly Hills-type f*cks in Westwood than at 'SC.

AND finally: Southern Cal has, and will always have, the ABILITY to piss off UCLA losers simply on account of just being BETTER on ALL accounts.

To ANYONE considering both USC and UCLA: would you rather be represented by a big dumb bear with baby blue as your school color or be represented by a crimson and gold TROJAN?

Yeah, I thought so.

No examples needed. Bitter Bruins can suck it.

by AnOnymous April 19, 2005

305πŸ‘ 454πŸ‘Ž


A digital artist and musician of no particular reputation or reknown. Her sole claim to fame is that she's had the same user name for the past 10 years. That user name is fairly unique, and very few, if any, other people use it.

"Hey, have you ever heard of Khieri? I hear she's an OK artist."

"No, I've never heard of her"

by AnOnymous February 11, 2005


Something that is so tasty it is both Yummy and Scrumptious.

That was yumptious

by AnOnymous August 13, 2003

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž



there is a gooner stuck in the dunny

by AnOnymous October 20, 2003

56πŸ‘ 257πŸ‘Ž

assed out

Already have gotten enough play, doesnt need any more ass.

No ill pass up, im assed-out

by AnOnymous June 4, 2003

5πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž

Brahma Bull

fat faggots that drive chryslers

See that dude in that Spirit? Total brahma bull

by AnOnymous March 29, 2003

55πŸ‘ 195πŸ‘Ž