Source Code


to tell ppl wat to do

i have authority over you

by AnOnymous September 23, 2002

32πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


One whos fetish includes watching other people wash their hands (no penis is edged you stupid fuckhole)

by AnOnymous January 10, 2003

4πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


name given to any male who tells you to come to blacktown maccas at 8pm on a certain night

OmGoSh FaGgOt CoMe TO BLaCkToWN mAcCas AnD SaY iT Bro##1##!!

by AnOnymous March 20, 2003

6πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

person next door

fat shit with geek friends and dirty ass girlfriends, plays the computer 90% of his life, and uses his parents money to buy himself 'cool' clothes

im not giving you one

by AnOnymous June 14, 2003

1πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

axe wound

A vagina in which the outer labia touch each other, completely concealing all other parts...leaving only a straight line. Like one chop from an axe. |

After she shaved off her pubic hair, it was like looking at Barbie's axe-wound.

by AnOnymous April 11, 2003

657πŸ‘ 347πŸ‘Ž

Power Beard

Having the power to do many things. Move things with your mind. A stroke of the Power beard and you can do anything.

by AnOnymous May 13, 2003

114πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


Where all the people who were rejected from Harvard go.

I got into Harvard and Yale. I went to Harvard because Yale sucks

by AnOnymous August 27, 2004

268πŸ‘ 588πŸ‘Ž