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smart way of spelling stupid, used to highlight extreme stupidity, cluelessness, or ineptitude

Women are stoopid drivers.

by Andrew Baroody May 9, 2006

13👍 20👎

Derek Jeter

A "Player" for the Yankees, and a disgrace to baseball as well as life as we know it. Whoever says he's the "greatest shortstop in history" is sadly mistaken; he'd be lucky to make it onto the top 10 shortstops CURRENTLY PLAYING. And the worst part is, he struts around as if he is Babe Ruth or something, as if he is automatically above and better than everyone else simply because he is the "GREAT Derek Jeter." This is his most unattractive quality (although he's pretty ugly now that it comes up...his facial proportions don't make sense, and his squinty eyes are terrible). His intolerable arrogance and smugness make it impossible to genuinely respect him--just watch him on TV for 30 seconds, and it will be clear how much he thinks of himself, and how he secretly feels that everyone should bow down to him. And Guess what? This is NOT coming from a Red Sox fan!

"Insignificant Lowly Player": Well Hiya Derek Jeter!
Derek Jeter: Hey! Howya doin man?
(Derek Jeter Secret Inner Voice): You DARE speak to Derek Jeter? BOW DOWN TO ME, UNWORTHY SCUM!
"Insignificant Lowly Player": How was the game?
Derek Jeter: It was great! We won 12-2, and I got an RBI!
(Derek Jeter Secret Inner Voice): Without me this team is NOTHING. That RBI was SO CLUTCH!
Insignificant Lowly Player: OK Derek. Nice Talkin' to ya...(walking away, to himself): What a nice guy!
Derek Jeter: Yeah man, same to you.
(Derek Jeter Secret Inner Voice): Aren't you gonna ask for my autograph?

by Andrew Baroody May 3, 2006

106👍 183👎