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A type of Government that rather than redistributing wealth, redistributes poverty through confiscatory, and often unfair taxes, affecting in particular the middle classes who, earn too much to claim benefits but who do not earn enough to pay their taxes and yet enjoy a sufficently rewarding standard of living relative to how hard they work.

By paying five hundred pounds in Tax and a further one hundred and ninety in national insurance Mr Smith was subsidising two households where the occupants were second and third generations of people who had never worked and claimed benefits.
This is due to the cause of socialism, and it's Marxist roots. People who have had an overprivelidged childhood and feel guilty about it or those who feel like the world owes them a living generally vote in this way, for a socialist party.

ii. The Livingstonian bus (expensive and pointless)

iii. A purchase made to benefit the few.

iv. The idea that the state and not individuals are responsible for their actions.

by Andrew Kirk August 27, 2008

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