A child version of an more complete adult. They have a lot of great ideals, but don't realize that they will never transcend being nothing more than another trend. The hipster feels that you are either a hipster or a dumb fucking puppet conforming to society. All the while the hipster them self is a dumb fucking puppet conforming to society. Hipsters claim to be very open minded and love bragging about interracial relationships, but lump all frat boys and sorority girls into the "meat head" category, which is a different kind of bigotry. This is not bad, its just very immature. Kids act this way.
Adults like music that appeals to them. Adults listen to The Kooks, Beethoven, and Del The Funky Homosapian and maybe throw in some Kanye West, Pink, and Pearl Jam because they like the songs and don't give a shit who's judging them. Adults wear whatever they like, whether it be from a thrift shop, J. Crew, or Target because they like how it looks on them. Adults go to the gym because its healthy. Adults can go see "Wristcutters:A love Story" and then go see Iron Man because, fuck it, I felt like it.
Hipsters are generally kids who were shy and/or different as kids and they carried the subconscious resentment of not "fitting in" over to their young 20's and early 30's. Some Hipsters grow up around 35 when they realize that the world doesn't revolve around just them. Some don't, and they go on to be lonely senior citizen's.
Their are plenty of people who listen to indie rock, dress cool, and can recite poetry who are not Hipsters. Hipsters are the ones who all look exactly the same and harshly judge people outside of their clique.
Two guys are at a party. The Hipster is wearing a tight Tee and tight jeans and Buddy Holly glasses. The other is wearing madras shorts and a NY Yankees tee shirt.
Yankee: This Calvin Harris song is the shit.
Buddy Holly: I don't like it anymore, it's selling on iTunes. Who says "the shit"? Where are your Chuck Taylors?
Yankee: I like flip flops because they are really really comfortable.
Buddy Holly: I bet you like fake tits and date rape, too!
Yankee: Nope. Do you like the Yankees?
Buddy Holly: Sports is for the idiots that beat me up in High School, er, I mean... I don't follow sports. Sports are for meat heads.
Yankee: I like sports. I was going to see if you wanted my tickets to the game tomorrow because I'm going to an opening at a new gallery in Tribecca and can't make the game.
Buddy Holly: Anyone who would have a show in Tribecca is a sell out. You should come see the show at my apartment in Billyburg.
Yankee: Sounds cool. When is it?
Buddy Holly: Sorry. You can only come if you wear Chuck Taylors...
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