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my fuckin word!!! idk wut it means...

ur gay, like ploops on a sunday evening, while ur gay with ur daddy

by Andrew Richardson March 15, 2003

4👍 16👎


1. a vegetable often used to jack off.
2. Also use as a large dildo

1. cut me a hole outta' that cucumber n watct me cum!
2. Ohh... OHHHHH... great dildo!!!

by Andrew Richardson March 15, 2003

23👍 48👎


fast oral sex, not lasting long

i payed her for 38 hours n she only gave me a fuckin quickie!!!

by Andrew Richardson March 15, 2003

35👍 224👎


that fuckin cop that busted my ass last week

that fuckin pig took my dope!!!

by Andrew Richardson March 15, 2003

7👍 15👎