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A very fun and addictive MMORPG. Pretty fun until level 60 were you items are very expensive even the NPC items. Forcing you to buy Gpotatoes to continue playing the game in a comfortable fashion. More and more updates come up making the game even worse. Making the people who play all day and people who spend tons of money the rulers of the game. I was once one of these people. Started playing at 11 and at age 12 realized this that these types of games are for 4 kinds of people. 1.kids 2. bored ass people who come on once in awhile 3. loser teenagers who get picked on or have no friends. 4. the nerd (40 year old virgin) who lives in their mom's basement. (this is reference to all mmorpg's) These games consume your soul. As did it almost did mine until i realized that these game are should only be meant for kids, teenagers that have no plans for ONE weekend out of the blew/ weekdays after sports. Or adults who need a break from work playing about mabey 4 hours a week at most.

loser teen: 2:59 p.m. Friday. "oh yes only one more minute till flyff with the times 2 exp event. yay! playing all weekend" (bell rings rushes home)

40 year old virgin: 40 yr old virgin's mom: Frank I've set you on a date with that nice courtney girl from your work at gamestop. Nerd " Mom not now I'm pking these noobs"

by Andrewwwwwwwww Da mannnnnnnnn November 15, 2010

11👍 8👎


a delicious treat found on your ass hairs. composed of human shit and other delicious juices. usually formed when the asshole is not sanitized or well enough after taking a shit or when one hasn't showered for a week and has tooken many shits.

Hey man got any snacks to eat at your place?" " All I have is these dingleberries." " Arn't those those balls of your shit stuck to your ass hairs?" " Yeap pretty much." "Fine I'll take some of those dingleberries." " Yea I make it into Dingleberry crunch all the time."

by Andrewwwwwwwww Da mannnnnnnnn November 15, 2010

8👍 7👎