one thousand - the cardinal number that is the product of 10 and 100 (1000)
Thand years ago there were no such things as computer, mobile phone, vehicle, developed technologies and so on.
2π 1π
cumber is a shorter for the "cucumber"
I used to like cumbers but I've chosen to eat carrots better.
14π 9π
taper is a short word for toilet paper
dude, where did you put the taper? It is there in WC
17π 62π
humanity that is very bad, contemptible, unthinking about the others, refusing to help or solve the problems (for example to stop climate warming) etc.
our hanity must consider in climate change and do something for the best to stop warming climate. This is my opinion
1π 4π
horsemen pl; hen abbr pl; ones who ride on their horses
I've never seen so many hen here
4π 14π
cusic is a christian music that has different ganres
what is better for you southern gospel or traditional cusic?
6π 1π
pinda panda means drunken one but a little.maybe he / she was drunk a lot but had a sleep for a while and then became more sober
Fuck pinda panda that's got intoxication