Source Code


An operating system that has ripped off iOS and Symbian OS.

Claimed by users to be an original product, but the creators of the OS publicly admitted by Chris DeSalvo, who worked alongside Andy Rubin at Danger before joining Google to build its mobile OS, says that the iPhone's announcement forced everyone on his team to realize that they "are going to have to start over."

They also claim everything is perfect with Android even in light of obvious issues like lag, storage self filling, phone slowdown the more it is used, the worst message service ever produced to name but a few.

The real reason the owners of Android devices use them is because there is nothing else that comes close to iOS, and with a history of hating Apple because they can't afford a decent computer, and were suckled on Hatorade. Normally work in a boring admin job with few prospects and hate on people with jobs in creative fields.

Claims of 'innovation' but just name Apps from the Apple App Store, or they just don't understand what the word really means.

They have a high tolerance to pleather, plastic.

This is a real example of a real conversation I had with an Android user.

HaemarRoid: my phone is much better than an iPhone
Me: really, lets have a look.
HaemarRoid: yeah, but you can't see the screen in daylight. (we were in the garden)
Me: and what are the white bobbles on the screen?
Android: oh that's the touch sensor, which doesn't work with multi-touch.

Me: Oh, okay, my iPhone works in daylight and has a screen that works properly without the bobbles.
HaemarRoid: I mean the next one to come out will work properly.
Me: Oh, okay!

by Andy Rubin February 9, 2014

24👍 119👎


haemorRoid. Pronounced like Haemorrhoid with an emphasis on the second R which is always a capital letter.

Refers to Android and Android users who know nothing but carry-on like they are Neo from the Matrix.

Having scrapped through the Microsoft Certification, They know how to install software using an installer, replace component parts in a computer, and say 'have you tried turning it off and on again?' (interchangeable with 'do you want to go large?").

They claim to be heavy-weight coders, but most contemporary 13 years have more knowledge than them.

They will claim that there chosen mobile OS is superior to all others, even though the reality is they either can not afford, or have never used the best alternative to HaemorRoid. Most statements start with 'I hate Apple'.
eg 'I hate Apple, what's the time?' or 'I hate Apple, do you want fries with that?'

They have dire dead end jobs where the best they can hope for is a promotion to help desk.

They believe everything that Google (better known as Screw-U-gle) and Shamesung tell them. Even when Screw-U-gle and Shamesung are caught lying, they still promote the lie as truth.

Are capable of time travel as they believe everything copied from Apple was on the HaemorRoid first.

They claim haemorRoid is more secure due to the fact the average user checks the source code, but after 2 years not one of them found the HeartBleed bug.

See: Mouth-breather/compulsive masturbator

Roid-Rager: "I hate Apple, Android was first at everything, Googles/Samsungs marketing department said insert bulls#it"

Someone with real technical knowledge: "I use my phone, not masturbate over it, glad I didn't get a HaemorRoid phone."

Roid-Rager: I know everything about tech, coding, design, development, marketing, law and science, see I can quote things I looked up on youtube that I didn't really understand and I have never bothered to check the facts.

Normal person with taste: "that massive white phone covered on pleater looks ridiculous and tacky, are you from Billericay?" Sniggers under breath "chav".

Roid-Rager: "shut up you don't even know insert flaky feature that has zero benefits and only works once out of ten attempts to use it."

by Andy Rubin April 16, 2014


haemorRoid. Pronounced like Haemorrhoid with an emphasis on the second R which is always a capital letter.

Refers to Android and Android users who know nothing but carry-on like they are Neo from the Matrix.

Having scrapped through the Microsoft Certification, They know how to install software using an installer, replace component parts in a computer, and say 'have you tried turning it off and on again?' (interchangeable with 'do you want to go large?").

They claim to be heavy-weight coders, but most contemporary 13 years have more knowledge than them.

They will claim that there chosen mobile OS is superior to all others, even though the reality is they either can not afford, or have never used the best alternative to HaemorRoid. Most statements start with 'I hate Apple'.
eg 'I hate Apple, what's the time?' or 'I hate Apple, do you want fries with that?'

They have dire dead end jobs where the best they can hope for is a promotion to help desk.

They believe everything that Google (better known as Screw-U-gle) and Shamesung tell them. Even when Screw-U-gle and Shamesung are caught lying, they still promote the lie as truth.

Are capable of time travel as they believe everything copied from Apple was on the HaemorRoid first.

They claim haemorRoid is more secure due to the fact the average user checks the source code, but after 2 years not one of them found the HeartBleed bug.

See: Mouth-breather/compulsive masturbator

Roid-Rager: "I hate Apple, Android was first at everything, Googles/Samsungs marketing department said insert bulls#it"

Someone with real technical knowledge: "I use my phone, not masturbate over it, glad I didn't get a HaemorRoid phone."

Roid-Rager: I know everything about tech, coding, design, development, marketing, law and science, see I can quote things I looked up on youtube that I didn't really understand and I have never bothered to check the facts.

Normal person with taste: "that massive white phone covered in pleater looks ridiculous and tacky, are you from Billericay?" (Sniggers under breath "chav").

Roid-Rager: "shut up you don't even know insert flaky feature that has zero benefits and only works once out of ten attempts to use it."

by Andy Rubin April 16, 2014