A person who is constantly caught hanging around his or her own neigborhood. This word associates with unemployed people, small time drug dealers, housewives and welfare recipients who have no other place to loiter.
My brother has no job, has six kids and always hanging on the block, guess you can call him a block hugger.
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One of the worst streets in the South Bronx. Located in the Soundview section, Watson Avenue was the epicenter of all heroin in the late 80's, mid 90's. Amadou Diallo was killed down the block from this avenue.
The South Bronx has become known for it's infamous drug infested streets like Brook Avenue, Cypress Avenue and Watson Avenue.
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Susbucket is a combination of the spanish word "sucia", meaning "dirty girl" and the word bucket. This word is associated with hookers, strippers or just women who are physically or immorally indecent. This word originated in the South Bronx in the late 90's.
I saw your girl dancing at Mr.Wedge's, she looked like a straight up susbucket.
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