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A charming UK colloquialism, with origins on Facebook. Many claim to have invented this word. 'Twunt' is an ingenious word-sandwich. It is of course a hybrid, stemmjng from the joining of the words 'twat' and 'cunt', both, interestingly, expletives designed to refer to lady gardens - female genitalia). Best used when giving verbal abuse (or indeed, online abuse).

teenage Scottish ned approaches small child/brother/enemy: 'Haw ya wee twunt ye! Fuckin' m'ovur here an' say that but!'
Translation: 'Excuse me, you very annoying person! I respectfully advise you to come closer to me and repeat your last utterance.'

as an inspired mood-disclosing Facebook reply, or text message:


This acts as either a full stop/period to the online or text thread, an insult directed at the original or subsequent posts/poster him or herself.

by Angell Redlocks fae Scotland July 18, 2012

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