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A word coined by the 45th President of the United States of America - Donald J. Trump.

The meaning of this word can be used loosely, and be as a replacement for a name, place or thing when you are too unintelligent, or too lazy to use the real word.

I really need a Covfefe right now.

Yesterday, I was so Covfefe.

Despite the constant negative press Covfefe!

by Angus Mcfife June 1, 2017

13👍 9👎


A Friendquaintance is just that, a friendly acquaintance but with the exception that they are someone you are frequently familiar with. An example of the difference between an Acquaintance you are merely familiar with and maybe on the way to being friends with is the nature of how the two of you usually meet up with one another. A friendly Acquaintance would be someone you have at least once or more times than naught-met with one another or discuss meeting in a place for a date, a hang out or what have you. It is someone you are personally familiar with through contact with them via only yourselves. A Friendquaintance however, is someone you only ever meet up with, hang out with, talk to or communicate with in any way is through someone else. You two regularly see each other each or other week at the least and have conversations with and like one another such as a friend would, but the condition that the two of you regularly meet is only through your friendquaintance and your friend, or family member to a lesser stretch is friends with them and they regularly meet up with each other which also, due to you being friends with your friend-you get to meet your friendquaintance.

I enjoy game night very much since it allows me to see my Friendquaintance, Allen.

by Angus Mcfife August 30, 2019