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A mixture of love and hate. a burning desire for both revenge and lust. longing. a love hate relationship.

She loved him for his kindness. she hated him for his stupitidy. this feeling she felt, mixture of feelings a Draco/Harry

by Anna Pryce June 9, 2006

96👍 26👎


A small rather ugly looking house elf that looks like a ragdoll. dobby is the former servant of the malfoys. He disobeyed their commands in harry potter and the chamber of secrets in order to warn harry about the evil in the school. however dobby isnt allowed to tell very important things without hurting himself becasue hes not supposed to. In the end, dobby is thrown a sock by lucius malfoy (thanks to harry potter) and dobby was set free. he is now at hogwarts where he works for very small amounts of money and wears many coks and scarfs. he is also extremely loyal to harry potter.

Harry: who are you?
Dobby: "dobby sir, dobby the house elf"
Harry: "not to be rude or anything, but this isnt a great time for me to have a house elf in my bedroom"
Dobby: "oh dobby understands sir, its just that dobby, has something you must know. it is difficult sir, dobby wonders where to begin."

by Anna Pryce June 9, 2006

136👍 86👎