Whatever women say is true abut all men is usually true about themselves. Epic levels of gender projection.
- Men just aren't in touch with their feelings!
- But why are you crying?
- .....I don't knooooow!!
- Wow lady, that's Shiva's Law
Also known as SJWs, Social Jobbery Warrior are sanctimonious crybullies who routinely ruin anything fun and get talented scientists fired or crying on public television
SideNote: jobbery means "practice of using a public office or position of trust for one's own gain or advantage."
- Hey, did you see Mercedes Carrera was denied her guest spot on the SXSW panel because she upset an SJW?
- Yeah, those Social Jobbery Warriors get special treatment when they claim harassment, yet tell people to "go burn in a fire" on a daily basis