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Toupaïegender (often abbreviated to toupaïe) is a gender for people who identify with the term "toupaïe" which is derived from "top" and means "the highest point", basically is a gender identity for people who feel extremely unsure about their gender identity but have come a long way into their questioning and do not identify to the gender binary.
The usual pronouns used by toupaïegenders are toup/toupa/toupelf (same order as they/them/themselves).

Person1: "I'm worried over Fatima, she's being questioning for some time now and hasn't come to a conclusion yet."
Person2: "Toup now identify as toupaïegender, I'm glad for toupa toup are at one with toupelf."

by AnneWorldEater February 6, 2022


Someone who is immune to the sexual attractiveness of others, regardless of gender.
(Often abbreviated as "Ace")

Alex: "Damn how are you not attracted to me I'm the most beautiful person on earth!"
Anne: "I'm asexual bitch" *explosion as she walks off*

by AnneWorldEater May 25, 2021

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