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Ugly Maggot Disease
A terrible disease you get when you hook up with or date someone who is dirty or of a disgusting ratchet friend group. Usually the person who has caught UMD is looking for attention and isn't feeling satisfied with their sex life. Symptoms include having dark under-eye bags(from snapchatting or texting this person all night long. The spreaders of UMD are like vampires and are only active from approximately 11:00pm-4:30am), an unusually high snapchat score, a decline in their physical attractiveness, emotional being, and grades, smelling like weed, and an iPhone camera roll full of nudes. If you catch any of your friends with these symptoms we urge you to murder the spreader of UMD as soon as possible as things can only get worse from here.

Example One~
Ella: "Hey Meghan you gotta stop talking to that kid he's such a stoner!"
Meghan: "Dont worry I will! I don't want to get UMD!!!!"

Example Two~
Ella: "You should think twice before communicating with him. There's a rumor that he spreads UMD."
Kelsey: "Don't worry, once you actually get to know him he's a very nice guy. But I will keep an open eye, thanks for the notice!"

by Annick Carrot Swag Ninja Lord January 29, 2016

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