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Formerly TheOnes, Blocktopia started as a minecraft server dedicated to a gameplay named "lava survival". THis picked upa a reputation for being a popular and inventive new alternative version to minecraft classic. This then further expanded into a multitude of classic servers, such as zombie survival and TNT wars. They expanded to a Survival Multiplayer server and, most recently, upgraded the classic build to a beta build server. After TheOne left the community, the leaders decided to rename it to Blocktopia, as part of a fresh start to the servers. Since then, the reputation of the community has gone uphill, creating more demand for it's services.

Oh, and one of the leading staff members is an ASSHAT. No joke.

Person #1: Wanna play some minecraft?
Person #2: Minecraft? I LOVE MINECRAFT!
*awkward pause*
Person #2: soooooo... what should we do?
Person#1: Blocktopia?
Person #2: Blocktopia.

by Anon-y-muss May 10, 2011

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