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No word to come out of Urban Slang is as hot as the word "dogg" right now. It means "friend" and is used mostly in urban areas. It comes from the word dog or from the name of the rapper Snoop Dogg.

What'p ma dogg?

by AnonYMous June 30, 2003

32πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


pot smoking dude from James Bond movies

by AnonYMous August 18, 2003

5πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

haul ass

to suck, to be not good, to be bad or against your will, unfair

Damn! This hauls ass!

by AnonYMous June 1, 2003

24πŸ‘ 496πŸ‘Ž


A Fuzzy Rabbit that hops arounds voice chat programs frequented by losers like herself.

by AnonYMous October 23, 2003


Female who is of the same race (e.g., African American) as the person using the term

She's a homegirl.

by AnonYMous October 30, 2003

71πŸ‘ 461πŸ‘Ž


keep of the smack tards

U fucken Smacktard

by AnonYMous September 13, 2003

8πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


to do sexual things with animals

Beastiality turns Jan on.

by AnonYMous November 12, 2002

234πŸ‘ 124πŸ‘Ž