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Pleasantville is a small town in Westchester New York, which is anything but pleasant. There are a couple of bars, a grocery store, liquor stores and that’s basically it. There are a few schools in Pleasantville; Pleasantville High School where the students are put into a plastic bubbles by the administration there and are not allowed to do anything, Pace University where the students crowd the best bars in town (Paulies and Michaels) 5 out of the 7 days a week, and the best school of all: The Cottage School where the "students" are anything but good (look up a news report on this school). Weekend nights are kinda boring. If you don't have an ID or know someone, good luck getting into Paulies or Michaels. Occasionally the high school kids throw woods parties and very rarely house parties because everyone breaks each others stuff. If you want to have a good laugh or just be completely grossed out, just sit by the Pleasantville Pizzeria and you'll see the huge black transvestite, Shanaynay in fish net clothing and a feather scarf walking around. Also everyone knows everybody else, what you did, and who you did it with. You'll probably hear things about you that you didn’t even know yourself. Sounds like a great place to live, right?

Pleasantville Lady: “I’m sorry to hear your parents are getting a divorce."
Pleasantville kid: "They are?! They didn’t tell me yet"

by Anonly March 16, 2007

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