historians for the purposes of the definition, shall be defined as sam, hereafter they shall also be known as sam.
the main reasons for this are as follows:
1. sams are geeks
2. sams deny the fact that they r no longer virgins, although it has only occured once it still happened.
3. they are loners
4. they read books too often and have to boast about the amount of work they have done, its uni! you dont do work!!!
5. they have no life
hence for these reasons, no bitch assd loner called sam can call me a ho!
historians can be so boring
y r all historians virgins?
y wont that historian shag me...
answer: once they've lost it once its impossible to shag them again, theyve had their quota
7π 44π
ignore him. he's a historian. and called sam. therefore doubly worse!!!!
in fact, its 20 times better to be a ho as he so called calls one than a frigid historian
4π 31π
Someone's loved one. A term of endearment.
Me and my Pumkin are heading to a movie, wanna come?
118π 36π
i flip who knows hes flip and is proud of it." shows everyone what he's made off and aint affraid of what others may think (truly original flip)
"mang that flip is one in a million
you knowz he has flipishness"
Unkown, but it ivolves a lot of beer and a hockey stick.
18π 9π
The reason I'm stuck on dialup. Argh.
If only Tel$tra would spend those millions on upgrading pair-gain phonelines to copperlines instead advertising their crappy ISP, Bigpond.... *sigh*
36π 18π
a person, who is the king and or more likely the queen of all fucking retards
12π 6π