Source Code

wide spread panic

knock off of Phish, mainly listened to by red neck frat guys.

by Anonymous August 27, 2003

20πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž


Decepticon that can controll sonic booms. A blue F-18 Hornet.

Thundercracker can whoop you're butt.

by Anonymous June 15, 2003

53πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


comes from vietnamese language, means friend/whodison means dear friend

wuts goin on whodi

by Anonymous March 20, 2003

9πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

booty diggers

n. having fingers with really short, clipped nails.

My nails are so bad, they're booty diggers

by Anonymous March 14, 2005

91πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


Called "moguri" in Japanese, a name made by combining "mogura" (mole) and "koumori" (bat). Which pretty well describes them.

"Kono moguri wa kawaii desu ne!"

by Anonymous June 9, 2003

132πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


A purely heterosexual, awesome cat-like creature from Final Fantasy with a red pom-pom on its head.

Holy crap! That moogle just kicked Celes' ass!

by Anonymous June 7, 2003

13πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


Those small, white fleabags from the Final Fantasy games. Earliest known origin is GameBoy game Seiken Densetsu (named Final Fantasy Adventure in the U.S. for some reason, which was re-released by by Sunsoft in the late '90s). Often says kupo.

"Hey moogle, where is the town?"
"Thanks anyway."

by Anonymous May 28, 2003

5πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž