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1337 speak for sucks

j00 4r3 7h3 suxx0rz

by Anonymous March 10, 2003

34πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

hacky sack

played when bored with frustration of picking it up over again when miss kicking it.

FUCK i pick up the hackey more than i kick it

by Anonymous October 19, 2003

30πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

the james williams

to be fat and red-headed and have the dumbest teacher in the school call you the scholar-athlete of the baseball team with a 98.2 average when you really have in the mid-80s

wow zhender youre such a moron...you just helped james pull a james williams

by Anonymous May 29, 2003

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Playing solo on one's organs.

by Anonymous March 10, 2003

4844πŸ‘ 2869πŸ‘Ž


something people do when their lover is not around

by Anonymous March 27, 2003

110πŸ‘ 178πŸ‘Ž


A school of sad, sad kids. Apparently, due to the number of "Up" votes for anti-USC, pro-UCLA definitions, there are a lot of UCLA kids lurking around urban dictionary. Compare this to the noticeable, comparatively less number of "Up" votes for pro-USC, anti-UCLA definitions.

Here's the big secret: It's due to the fact that kids at USC have LIVES and usually don't hang around the web and try to one-up and bash their rival school on a WEBSITE.

Obvious conclusion: So many UCLA kids only frequent urban dictionary because they are worried and insecure, and can't one-up or bash the winners at the University of Southern California in any other arena but the safe and faceless world wide web.

Like I said: sad, sad kids. :(

Just wait and see how many "Down" votes there'll be for this definition, and you'll see how many insecure UCLA kids there are neurotically checking out UCLA definitions on urban dictionary.

Other words to describe many a UCLA kid:


Or just: Trojankiller

by Anonymous April 19, 2005

149πŸ‘ 431πŸ‘Ž


Variant of shit, as how it was said in old English.

Ye olde stabble boy spend ye time on cleaning ye horses' shyte.

by Anonymous July 9, 2003

85πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž