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When babies come out of your "pee-hole"

the first guy is a GOON, ha SA

by Anonymous June 20, 2003

8πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

community college

A college that primarily offers 2-3 year diploma programs; often refereed to rather condescendingly as junior college. In Canada, Community College is generally known simply as College while four-year degree programs are normally taught only at a University.

Generally, focuses on a more practical, hands on approach rather then a theory heavy approach. Also has much less focus on the academic subjects and more on technical ones (although most programs will have at least some academic subjects but theyҀ™re not the focus).

Usually costs far less then a four-year degree program type of college and is often a more practical option for people that donҀ™t want tens of thousands of dollars in debt from student loans.

People tend to look down on community college because of its technical focus rather then academic focus. They seem to feel that anyone not strong academically is stupid. People that think this way seem to forget that not everyone is academically inclined and everyone learns differently (hence, why there are different options for education).

Many go to Community College because they cannot afford the privilege of going (away) to a four-year college or university.

In short, Community College is another option for education that has a technical rather then academic focus.

I went to Community College because I wanted a technical, hands on approach that woulden't leave me tens of thousands on dollars in debt.

by Anonymous October 20, 2004

470πŸ‘ 426πŸ‘Ž


a shitty town in hunterdon county

its still better than frenchtown

by Anonymous March 25, 2003

23πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


1) one who puts one's foot in one's mouth
2) a really good lay.

by Anonymous April 4, 2003

6πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


This is the noise made by a live, swamp-
dwelling mattress that is deeply moved by a story of personal
tragedy. The word can also, according to The Ultra-Complete
Maximegalon Dictionary of Every Language Ever, mean the noise
made by the Lord High Sanvalvwag of Hollop on discovering that he
has forgotten his wife's birthday for the second year running.
Since there was only ever one Lord High Sanvalvwag of Hollop, and
he never married, the word is only ever used in a negative or
speculative sense, and there is an ever-increasing body of
opinion which holds that The Ultra-Complete Maximegalon
Dictionary is not worth the fleet of lorries it takes to cart its
microstored edition around in. Strangely enough, the dictionary
omits the word "floopily", which simply means "in the manner of
something which is floopy".

The mattress globbered.

by Anonymous January 23, 2003

82πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


sexy,crazy poster on the living end board

pavementoyster is rocking

by Anonymous August 19, 2003

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


someone who can't spell swear

Oggie got fucked in the ass.

by Anonymous March 31, 2003

10πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž