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Dicksucker. Thinks he's John Mayer, eats more kimchi than Korea as a whole.
Sucks his own balls for entertainment while losing in halo.

by Anonymous May 1, 2003

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


see choob

by Anonymous March 13, 2003

5πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


when SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs thought that the health inspector was a fake thinking he was just getting free food.

"We've been SmackleDwarfed!"

by Anonymous July 23, 2003

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


An amazing absolutly gorgous grl. She is amazing and can make anyone laugh!!!

Grace is gorgous grace is a sexy juicy babe!

by Anonymous October 11, 2003

86πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž


Possibly the best cs player in the world. Plays for #tramps which are possibly the best clan in the world.

"FFS Tommyb flashed me"
"FFS Tommyb learn the map"
"FFS Tommyb this is CO not mr12"
"FFS Tommyb what's wrong with your radar"
"FFS Tommyb you bought every grenade on an eco round"
"FFS Tommyb is a daft rooster"

by Anonymous June 17, 2003


Sauce, god it tastes gud, especially on ham


by Anonymous October 7, 2003

20πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


Friend - See Also: son

"I call my brother sun cause he shines like one" - Wu-Tang Clan

by Anonymous April 8, 2003

132πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž